• KC-09046
  • KC-09045-1
  • KC-09045-2
  • KC-09045-3
  • KC-09044-1
  • KC-09044-2
  • KC-09044-3
  • KC-09031
  • KC-09032
  • KC-09033

  • |KC-09035|

  • |KC-09036|

  • |KC-09037-1|

  • |KC-09037-2|

  • |KC-09037-3|

  • |KC-09038-1|

  • |KC-09038-2|

  • |KC-09038-3|
  • KC-09039
  • KC-09040

  • |KC-09041|
  • KC-09042
  • KC-09043
  • KC-09034



L14 * W5 * H25.4




步步為營  破關斬將

成功在望  桂冠綻放

承載榮耀  燦爛輝煌



Taking every step steadily, you overcome barriers one by one

Success is at hand, you will be crowned with laurels

Glory and glamour will be yours


(A) L9.9*W9.9*H28 cm (B) L12.5*W12.5*H34.2 cm


步步為營  破關斬將

成功在望  桂冠綻放

承載榮耀  燦爛輝煌



Taking every step steadily, you overcome barriers one by one

Success is at hand, you will be crowned with laurels

Glory and glamour will be yours



(A) L9.9*W9.9*H28 cm (B) L12.5*W12.5*H34.2 cm


步步為營  破關斬將

成功在望  桂冠綻放

承載榮耀  燦爛輝煌



Taking every step steadily, you overcome barriers one by one

Success is at hand, you will be crowned with laurels

Glory and glamour will be yours



(A) L9.9*W9.9*H28 cm (B) L12.5*W12.5*H34.2 cm


點點星光  閃耀奪目

乘風破浪  振翅飛翔

築夢踏實  熠熠生輝


Stars Shines

Star shine catches your eyes

Breaking the waves on a daring boat, you fly high

Fulfilling dreams in practical ways, you shine like stars


L7*W7*H26.8 cm


點點星光  閃耀奪目

乘風破浪  振翅飛翔

築夢踏實  熠熠生輝


Stars Shines

Star shine catches your eyes

Breaking the waves on a daring boat, you fly high

Fulfilling dreams in practical ways, you shine like stars




L7*W7*H26.8 cm


點點星光  閃耀奪目

乘風破浪  振翅飛翔

築夢踏實  熠熠生輝


Stars Shines

Star shine catches your eyes

Breaking the waves on a daring boat, you fly high

Fulfilling dreams in practical ways, you shine like stars




L7*W7*H26.8 cm


萬丈赤焰 威攝八方
拔萃出群的氣魄 目光如炬
掌握時勢 永遠無往不利

Winning Flames
Snarling flames, crackling stance, 
Outstanding disposition, piercing eyes,
Taking control of the timing, you will go places.


L9*W5.4*H20.6 cm


風雲馳騁 擁破竹之勢  志在千里 氣貫長虹
拔萃出群之態勢 如日中天  必能光耀門楣 引之為傲

Galloping clouds, itching to strike,
Mighty ambitions, piercing the sky,
All poised, all charged up,
Ready to bring home the honor and glory.


L8*W7*H28 cm


翩翩風采 迷人氣度滿心懷
縷縷風揚 思念之線繫千里
願你 春風不止 福疊滿堂

Charming composure, delightful presence,
Wafts of wind tie the thread of yearning.
May you be showered by winds of Spring, bliss amassed.


L11*W5*H21.8 cm


9*4.8*23 cm


7*7*25 cm


L12*4.5*22 cm


L12*4.5*22 cm


L12*4.5*22 cm


10*4.8*22.8 cm


10*4.8*22.8 cm


10*4.8*22.8 cm


不畏頹勢  自我激勵
努力不懈  準備十足
相信自己  必定決勝

Do not fear your adversary, you encourage yourself
With ceaseless efforts and sound preparation
Trust yourself, you can make it




挺立超群  出眾絕倫之姿
但越是處高處  更要低眉觀局
虛懷若谷  堪為舉世風範

With an upright gesture, you take the lead and excel
The higher you climb, the lower you should observe
With modesty, you are the exemplar of all




13.8*4.8*18.6 cm


吉星高照鴻運開  機運連連吉時來

隨心順利事事好  福祿壽喜旺旺來


Luck Star Shines High

Shining lucky stars bring good omens.

Good fortunes will come any time.

All things come smoothly, good fortune, wealth, longevity and joy all come to you


L12*W8*H23.8 cm


吉星高照鴻運開  機運連連吉時來

隨心順利事事好  福祿壽喜旺旺來


Luck Star Shines High

Shining lucky stars bring good omens.

Good fortunes will come any time.

All things come smoothly, good fortune, wealth, longevity and joy all come to you


L12*W6.6*H21.8 cm


方正沉穩 氣宇軒昂  志高識遠 風采堂堂
專注非凡志業 是大件事  更需要卓昂大見識

Experience and Insight
Stand your ground, hold your presence.
Towering ambitions, impressive charms,
Attention to mighty goals requires great might,
And yet takes even greater insight and experience.


L10*W4.3*H7 cm

坤水晶以對琉璃的熱愛為起點,堅持20年至品牌形象的穩固建立,藉著是對品質與在地的堅持。 2013年更開設了獨樹一幟的松菸文創園區玻璃工坊旗艦店, 成為台灣極具代表性的玻璃吹製體驗及各國觀光遊客首選。

Kun’s Crystal sets out from the passion towards lazurite, persisting in stabilized establishment of the brand image based on the persistence towards quality and locality. In 2013, the unique glass workshop flagship store in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park was further set up, becoming the first choice for iconic glass-blowing experience and for tourists from all places.

《坤水晶》 琉璃創意設計|玻璃吹製體驗|訂製水晶獎盃|琉璃佛像|訂做琉璃 版權所有©2017年INSIGHT INC。保留所有權利。